Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Swords & Wizardry House Rules: Poison

In Swords & Wizardry Complete, the rules seem to assume that poison generally is deadly (see page 10 of the rulebook). I gather that the by-the-book mechanic is save or die instantly (see the entries for giant spiders on page 113). However, there are non-lethal poisons as well (see the entries for giant centipedes on page 95). Unless a monster entry specifies otherwise, I generally apply the following guidelines:


Weak Poison. Weak poisons may allow the target a bonus on his saving throw (anywhere from +2 to +6), result in a condition other than death, such as paralysis or unconsciousness, or simply inflict extra damage.

Moderate Poison. Moderate poisons are deadly, but death is not instantaneous. A target who fails his saving throw usually dies in 1d4+1 rounds unless he imbibes an antidote or is the recipient of a neutralize poison spell.

Strong Poison. Strong poisons either result in death immediately or in 1d2 rounds. Some may impose a penalty on a target's saving throws, but any racial, class, or magical bonuses remain effective and offset any such penalty.

First Aid. An ally may attempt to bleed a poison victim’s wound and suck out the poison, provided that the victim is not already dead. Doing so allows the victim to make an additional saving throw with a penalty (usually between -2 and -4). The victim suffers 1d4 damage when this is attempted and it also requires the ally to save against poison.

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