Thursday, February 16, 2017

Swords & Wizardry House Rules: Encumbrance

Swords & Wizardry Complete addresses encumbrance in a fairly incomplete fashion (see pages 32-33 of the rulebook). It does not provide any weight values for armor, equipment, or weapons. So calculating encumbrance is not really possible on a by-the-book basis. Thus, I have supplemented the rules with additional information from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.


Swords & Wizardry's encumbrance rules are very generous. They assume that standard adventuring equipment is a mere 10 pounds, excluding armor and weapons (see page 32). I generally stick with this assumption for ease of computation. This is Dungeons & Dragons, not Audits & Accountants; detailed spreadsheets tracking encumbrance are not my idea of fun. So I usually guesstimate. But reasonable people sometimes disagree and it may be necessary to calculate encumbrance with greater precision if, for example, an adventurer is carrying a lot of equipment, or it is necessary to determine how much treasure may be carried away from a large hoard. Here are guidelines for doing so:

  • 300 pounds ordinarily is the maximum encumbrance for normal adventurers (see page 32); strength scores of 12 and above permit adventurers to carry more weight (see page 7)
  • for purposes of encumbrance, every 10 coins or gemstones is one pound unless exceptional in some regard (see page 32); for armor, equipment, and weapons consult the encumbrance tables below

Armor and Clothing

Type Weight in Coins Weight in Pounds
Plate Mail 700 70
Chain Mail 500 50
Ring Mail 400 40
Leather Armor 250 25
Clothes 30 3
Robe or Cloak 25 2.5
Large Shield 100 10
Small Shield 50 5
Helm 45 4.5
Boots, Hard 60 6
Boots, Soft 30 3


Item Weight in Coins Weight in Pounds
Backpack 20 2
Bedroll 30 3
Bottle or Flagon 60 6
Candle 5 0.5
Flask, Empty 5 0.5
Flask, Full 20 2
Grappling Hook 100 10
Hand Tool 10 1
Lantern 60 6
Mirror 5 0.5
Potion 25 2.5
Rations, Iron 75 7.5
Rations, Standard 200 20
Rod 60 6
Rope, 50 feet 75 7.5
Sack, Large 20 2
Sack, Small 5 0.5
Scroll Case 10 1
Spike or Piton 10 1
Tinderbox (Flint & Steel) 2 0.2
Torch 25 2.5
Waterskin, Empty 5 0.5
Waterskin, Full 50 5


Weapon Weight in Coins Weight in Pounds
Arrow or Quarrel 2 0.2
Axe, Battle 75 7.5
Axe, Hand 50 5
Bow, Long 100 10
Bow, Short 50 5
Club 30 3
Crossbow, Heavy 80 8
Crossbow, Light 50 5
Dagger 10 1
Javelin 20 2
Mace 75 7.5
Sling Stone 2 0.2
Spear 40 4
Staff 50 5
Sword, Bastard 100 10
Sword, Short 30 3
Sword, Long 60 6
Sword, Two-Handed 250 25
Warhammer 60 6

  • the tables are not intended to be comprehensive; for any gear not specified in the preceding tables, formulate a weight in coins and pounds based on the values provided above as necessary
  • for reference: plate mail, large shield, longsword, dagger, and standard equipment is 97 pounds with a movement rate of 9; substituting chain mail for plate would result in 77 pounds but the same movement rate

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